Thursday, March 12, 2009


How could a baby so cute spit up so much??!! Bubby has serious spit-up issues. He spits up all the time, sometimes even his whole bottle and other times he won't spit up at all. His poor daycare ladies have to change his outfit all the time. His 2 month appointment was March 6th and at his appointment we talked to his doctor about him spitting up. She really didn't seem to concerned because he is growing and gaining weight, but she did say that we could try rice cereal in his bottle. Scott bought him some rice cereal and we tried a little in his bottle last night. I took some cereal in to his daycare today for them. The morning lady (i really should learn her name) was really excited and seemed optimistic that this would help him spit-up less. I think at this point they are ready to try anything. I anxious to find out how he did with his feedings today!

1 comment:

Olivia said...

OMG Kelley PLEASE BRING HIM DOWN HERE! HAHA i so want to hold him!